okok.. hahas. i know it's MAY alr! and my last post was March. Goodness. alright. March thru april is cox i am having my finals and my paper ended on the 4th May. so technically, i am suppose to be free to blog from then onwards. hahas!
and yes, i am slacking at home now. have been trying to look for a job since last last week, but to no avail. Nth comes knocking to my door after i have sent so many resumes. probably i should consider dropping by a recruitment agency to help me. hais.
I would believe that FB should be a good enough platform to know what i have been up to recently, outings and stuff. Usually i would have pictures for them, so ya. However i would briefly dump some pictures (nice ones of course) for viewing and briefly narrate some interesting events durin the trip.
show ya my fave taylor swift's video, I LOVE it since its aired!
cute and sweet! love it! =D
have you ever thought that real and sincere frens do exist? I don't know. Thoughts and feelings stir up inside me after watching Gossip Girls. But i do believe that life is seriously and inevitably sophisticated. Especially after what i have been through these few days.
The phrases and words you used does not show how true a friend you are to me since last time. In fact, they lead me to skepticism. I don't understand at all. Am I that unreliable? Perhaps, or maybe, you have never treat me as a real friend from the beginning.