aww... definitely not those sweet and sleazy stuff that most ppl do on valentine's Day.
I actually wanted to stay at home the whole day to rest and do some work. Manage to be rather productive on that day.
I am even cut off from the reality by just stuff earphones from the lappy to my ears and got myself totally absorbed into the virtual world. Poor florence trying very hard to contact me but to no avail.
My phone was set to silent and my ears are stuffed with earpiece. thus i totally cant hear much; doorbells and phone ringing. Total tranquility. Yes, definitely peaceful. And solitairity.
And it's not that i am absorbed into reading my theories for New media, but my visual comm design assignment. I can be totally absorbed when i am doing photo manipulation or designs stuffs. yes but of course not readings. unless i am reading some interesting novels like Twilight and stuff.
Okay. So sweet of Florence. she made me a cutie lollipop bouquet with a heart-warming Vday message from her. There are 3 sticks of lollipops altogether. She wrapped them herself! so nice.
It really brightens up my dull afternoon! hahas.
allor! Something big happened to me on Sunday. or maybe i should say big. This might be insignificant in others' perspective. I should rephrase it.
My small milestone of my life after the one which is i got my driving license.
Sunday is the first time i get to drive, without my dad's supervision. Yes, on my own. like totally!
Co0l yea?! Officially, after i have got my driving license, he only supervise me once only. fetching mum back from work.
I drove to Orchard and then from orchard to Vivo, lastly going back home.
Driving on orchard road is exhilerating! A busy road i must say. Also, damn hard to find carparks. if wanna find somewhere cheap also very difficult. damn sian. It cost me 6 plus bucks to park in ngeeanncity just for less than 2 hrs. darn!
wasnt familiar with the roads though. Thanks to gang who is willing to sit with me to orchard to give me directions.
The worse part of lost in city is driving from orchard to vivo. I have checked the map, but wasnt sure how to get back on CTE to AYE. thankfully, somebody in my car has the GPRS function.
Hence, manage to find the directions with her directions plus some of gang's instructions and also my intuition. hahas!
It felt like total victory when we manage to get to vivo on time.
Then the rest, driving back home is a smooth journey. (cox i have checked the route b4 hand)
I can read maps alright?!?!
some say girls cant read maps. hey! Generalisation. I do. =P
some pictures at dragonfly. its another naturals gathering with a new 'member' hahas..
my new hair highlighted.
Some hairstylist wanted to train his color mixing skills.
cant really make out his name. Will let you know when i find out. =D
He requested for a model for his practice. Went to help him. and i got this. Thanks!
kinda hip and natural. okok la.. the highlight may be blonder and i can look more hippy?! hahas!
Main taboo: no ah lian look! hahas.

group picture.

Finally, i would like to end my entry with a picture of me driving! hees.
Photographer: mich
My milestone. =D

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