With my family!
daddy mommy 2 bros and florence...hahas! I had a big big fruity cake!
Florence and I

my mommy and I!!!

My second bro and I

My youngest bro and I

My cake and I, look abit chui here....

Make a wiiissshhh....

My third celebration is on thursday itself.
First, early in the morning after my theatrestudies lecture at 10am. My practical groupmates suddenly standup and sang birthday song for me.. they totally freak me out as i am still half awake only oh... thanks guys and babes for the candle on the muffin make-do bdae cake! love you guys!!!!
Followed by the celebration with my Uni peps! They are from my orientation group during the orientation week~! They totally gave me a surprise!
Initially was Shuyu asked me out for a dinner, just the two of us. ended up 3 of our frens appear in the restaurant too. They said it was coincidental! I believed! you noe why? cox shuyu said she wanna go FISHnCO and we were at dhoby ghuat at that time. so i suggested going GlassHouse. They off we went and they are there. so... I tot it was REALLY coincident!
Then they bought me a vanilla ice cream after the meal. then out of a sudden, the fish n co crew came out with a board and a coffee cake! it shocked me TOTALLY! i dunno how to eloborate! jus dumbfounded. I am so so so touched.
At first they said they forgot about it and they pang seh me during Japanese studies lecture. they said it was PREplanned! oh my.. so they saw my dozing off in action during the lecture! oh my.. so embarrassed!
Here are some pics to share with you! Thanks so much babes! l0ve you all!

So you seee....the food is not really impt.. its the company! so we only took a pic of the food... whahahha...!