Monday, January 26, 2009
happy niu year
hahas! just finished my steamboat with my family!!
hehes.. took a few pics with the steamboat!
let you see it soon! =D
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
photo frenzy
Image heavy.
went out with florence to Haji Lane. And. For wadever reasons, we start to get into a picture taking frenzy. Note. This is not cam whoring. This is a kind of art.
Art of beauty sculpturing. hahas! agree with me or not. My stand is clear.
Feel so sorry to her. Have to make her wait for a week before we could go out. I also not sure why i seem to be so busy. Probably not so. Jus could fork out the CORRECT time to match. She is having a boring 5 day 9 to 5 office job. Take care flor! its ending soon!
don't look at my face. look at my HAIR! i love this color!
Thanks florence for all the photos! hope u like this collage!
There are more pictures. Will edit them soon. Next post will be mostly flor's photos! hahas!
went to dragonfly on sunday too! enjoy the songs! too bad fiona not here! you missed simon singing!! oh nooo... =P
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Everything is gearing up..
I do not really consider my CAP results last sem a failure.
Instead, it shud be the starting point of my ultimate high CAP. haha!
Work hard towards my goal and achieve it!
I know that practically saying all these arent enough.
I need to prove it via my actions.
You will see the difference. Don't worry!
I am not sure whether you are motivating me or condescending me.
Your tone seems to be belittling me becox i have scored a lower CAP than you.
You may not be on purpose. But you should know i have my own set of thinking.
I know what I am doing. At this point of time, things are not at their fullest gear yet.
I should not be too panicky over everything. I need to balance my energy.
Not throwing everything out now and be left with nothing later.
There are many methods of dealing with your life.
In life, you do not ultimately want to be Happy.
You want to deal with your life happily.
Happiness is not a destination,
It is a method of LIFE.

Happiness is a state of activity. - Aristotle
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Take a look at this MV.
Some of you might have seen or heard this song before.
I think it is touching. Wnna share it with you. =D
WEnt to a Garage today. or is it a Workshop?
Wadever you called it yea? Nice experience and trip.
Took some
Bought a mag and started my shooting spree!

oh ya! i have dyed my hair again!!! Dark Quburn color. look younger than previous. hahas! cox my mum says i look older with those yellowish hair. yucks? she dyed it for me! Thanks mum!

Took some pics with the beetle outside the workshop!
Sky blue in color damn nice!

Life is a highway!
The place is a total contrast of what i have imagined.
I have imagined the place to be warm and oily.
Enclosed and smelly.
The workshop that i have seen today is kinda pleasant to be in.
Its super windy, though there's a strong petrol smell. (its located just next to the petrol station)
Cool and clean. the floors are not coated with grease or wad.
It is just clean. Really.

itchy hands again!
my manicure! DIY one. nice color? thanks to val! =D

Amazing experience i had today, being able to be there, i had to thank gang for bringing me there despite the unsuitability of the place for me.
I just wanna take a look look!
engine of a merc

From some of the above pic, u can really tell how limited the place is for picture taking.
Cox today jus nice is their 'slower' day. Not many cars.
Like he always mention to me wadever he did in that place, ripping whichever car's engine out. It's kinda hard for me to imagine everything or all those stuff he said.
It is better for me to go down and have a feel of it.
Nicer this way and i can learn sth too!
Reach there about 12pm and i left at around 4pm.
woah piang! after i reach home, i am so freaking tired la!
Fall onto my sofa and soon falls asleep. hahas!
woah.. i'm so tired now.. gonna crash! night!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
BACK TO scho0o0ooooll
Half excited, half moody..
The reason why i am moody is.. i am not sure if i can cope with my modules this sem and pull my CAP up at the same time. praying and mugging will be my hobbies for this sem! hahas!
What i am excited about are the modules i am taking this sem.
they are all very interesting! thats why! they are:
Principles of visual communication
Theories of communications and new media
French language! (at first i wanted to take korean, ended up i not enough points. so see you next sem korean!)
french's not bad too!
Principles of Marketing and lastly
Economics module.
They are taxing but interesting. that is the reason for me converting to a mugger religion!!!!
see you in the library! hahas!
of course, in the midst of those hardwork, i will definitely allow myself some fun to destress. no worries! i kinda have a planned relax activity somewhere already, every fortnightly. ^.^
Unfortunately, my french lectures are not starting this week. so ended up i have two days off this week. so i guess i would be doing some housework, design work, watching some behind time shows and some readings these two days. =D it all depends la...
Another worry, i hope to get all my tutorial slots (i think there may be one i will not get). gonna ballot for them this friday. wish me good luck!
Went to dragonfly for some sort of last day holiday party thing before my sch starts. and to support frens too! it's my first time there and before that i heard that its some canto club.
Took some pics! nice ambience, band and singing performance and songs too! got alot of talents are there!
At first i was wondering how ppl dance to chinese music. but alas! they played eng pop club music for us to dance. not bad! they have liveband singing performace and dancing too! da kai yan jie for me!
I didnt dance though.
i too dumb to dance. hahas
fiona and me full body! =)

fiona and me again up close!

my whisky with coke is on the left!

happily holding my whisky! nice~
Bryan, the drummer. people say he looked like MINGDAO! hahas!

simon, the guitarist. he look more handsome in person! =X

It's nice know them as frens. Enjoyed myself, thanks to the two babes and them! =D
Friday, January 9, 2009
dye hair?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
GreAT frens are hard to come by
This is something that i can conclude after these few days.
Went out with HIV today! I feel so bad. My presents for them arent ready yet.
still got some touch up needa do and was kinda busy so abit slow.
Sometimes i feel that i am such a lousy fren! really!
For wad they have done for me, i didnt reciprocate enough.
I have always tried my best to help my frens in need.
Those tiny little stuffs or favors they need of me that are within my capabilities.
I will definitely fulfil them with all my might!
Some heard/saw that i am in need of the Twilight series,
some, though they did not possess the books, offered to help me lend from their frens.
Some even send me the PDF format for me to read!
Really appreciated. =D
i am glad that i have some of you as my fren! Totally!
You are alll great!
I have to really thank ALL my ancestors for that!
Thanks for giving me good and wonderful frens.
The term 'frens' above need not meant only for HIV.
Of course to all of you!
Great frens are hard to come by.
People say, Frens are our yet-to-be siblings.
Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us.
The following are my belated christmas presents from H and V!
Thanks so much babes! i LOVE them!
Val's presents for me to get pretty and destress! how thoughtful!

Hannah's practical presents! Personalised Tank Top and food! didnt take pics of the food though. Cox they are supposed to be eaten and taken pics of! whahahha!
okay la, at least mention their name - Tobolone and pink panda!

frens 4eva!
Shopped at bugis with them today. and this is my shou huo!
sweeet kimono!

nice laces and design yea?
Shall be done with my discover today! =D