The Horn sounds so Forlorn.
I've failed.
Too amibtious.
Kind of disappointed.
Have cried after I reached home.
I know. I'm silly.
License in half a year?
Not possible
At least for me.
I took it seriously. I really did!
However, it did not seem to work.
I hate myself.
I did not mount any curb.
I've made stupid mistakes.
One more lesson to learn.
Wish me luck for the next time.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
IT's finally over!! wo0oho0o...
Submitted my portfolio and done with the play staging! all done!
It went quite well i guess. Despite all the challenging questions.
All of us had given our best shot.
We all deserve some applause.
Cox most of my groupmates are good actors and actresses.
In fact, we ALL are. haha!
Good job done ppl!
Apart from the final exams,
I'm left with my last challenge.
Actually, previously i was rather stressed up with all the stuffs that are happening concurrently.
After the TS pract exam, i felt much better. really.
Everything will be fine after tmr.
Submitted my portfolio and done with the play staging! all done!
It went quite well i guess. Despite all the challenging questions.
All of us had given our best shot.
We all deserve some applause.
Cox most of my groupmates are good actors and actresses.
In fact, we ALL are. haha!
Good job done ppl!
Apart from the final exams,
I'm left with my last challenge.
Actually, previously i was rather stressed up with all the stuffs that are happening concurrently.
After the TS pract exam, i felt much better. really.
Everything will be fine after tmr.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Why is everyone turning their backs against me?
You used to stand by me all the time.
I sense something amiss nowadays.
Are you venting all your distress on me?
Is it jus because you aren't happy with the state you are in and you vent it all on me?
I don't understand your slight change in attitude towards me.
I can really sense it. Or am I thinking too much?
I may have caused you lots of trouble. I'm sorry.
But your tone is harsh.
Don't you know?
I'm hurt.
I know that I am in a miserable state now.
Caught up with lotsa shitty trouble.
There are reasons to why I did not do certain things.
There are reasons why I am in this sorry state now.
You don't understand
cause you can't see my 'inner life'.
I may appear fine to you.
In fact, I am not.
Not at all.
You used to stand by me all the time.
I sense something amiss nowadays.
Are you venting all your distress on me?
Is it jus because you aren't happy with the state you are in and you vent it all on me?
I don't understand your slight change in attitude towards me.
I can really sense it. Or am I thinking too much?
I may have caused you lots of trouble. I'm sorry.
But your tone is harsh.
Don't you know?
I'm hurt.
I know that I am in a miserable state now.
Caught up with lotsa shitty trouble.
There are reasons to why I did not do certain things.
There are reasons why I am in this sorry state now.
You don't understand
cause you can't see my 'inner life'.
I may appear fine to you.
In fact, I am not.
Not at all.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I gonna learn to take certain things lightly...
I thought that I have already mastered the skill... however,
I just realised that i hadn't master enough..
I still do take some things seriously at times and make myself so upset.
Silly me.
daily rants`*
Still doing my portfolio, one day behind my plan.
Gotta chiong finish the drawings tmr! no matter wad. wad. wad!
I thought that I have already mastered the skill... however,
I just realised that i hadn't master enough..
I still do take some things seriously at times and make myself so upset.
Silly me.
daily rants`*
Still doing my portfolio, one day behind my plan.
Gotta chiong finish the drawings tmr! no matter wad. wad. wad!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Finished Microbe proj!
I'm doomed! Haven really start mugging for my final sem exams yet.
still fighting with my projects! oh dear....
One (microbe) is already down! yea!
Left with two : TS and JS
JS is ending next week and TS is ending the week after! Chiong ahh...!
JS: Almost done with my part, gonna add somemore info though.
TS: Done with my research, maybe doing some too along the way when required. Found half of the costumes for my groupmates. Gonna embark on my portfolio journey soon! Target = complete part of it by the end of this weekend.
You may say that I might as well use the time to blog to complete some of it now.
Problem is my brain is functioning slower. Gonna die down soon. Have for wake up early tmr to do a volunteer work too! =)
So, i guess i shall leave it for tmr before my brain protests. hahas!
Went 'touring' around old woodlands checkpoint to source for costumes. Only managed to get a white cloth for the ghost outfit. Seen quite a few nice ones, bbut the price is not nice at all. hahas! nevermind about that, at least we had quite a fun time in SS. Doing all the stupid things...consider it for a good de-stress methodology!
Heys! IT's me! selecting a bottle of wine!

okay.. the two*ahem*

Missing my milking years! The bottles are so cute!

So satisfied with my two milk bottles!

Woah..nice back view...

I love HONEY!

Do you like Yakult kim? hahas...

nice shot taken by me! bleahs...

It's so light!

unglam pose~

Do I look like a COOL auntie? hahas!

Nice angle! =D

My fave Fruit! =O

That's all folks! ^.^
still fighting with my projects! oh dear....
One (microbe) is already down! yea!
Left with two : TS and JS
JS is ending next week and TS is ending the week after! Chiong ahh...!
JS: Almost done with my part, gonna add somemore info though.
TS: Done with my research, maybe doing some too along the way when required. Found half of the costumes for my groupmates. Gonna embark on my portfolio journey soon! Target = complete part of it by the end of this weekend.
You may say that I might as well use the time to blog to complete some of it now.
Problem is my brain is functioning slower. Gonna die down soon. Have for wake up early tmr to do a volunteer work too! =)
So, i guess i shall leave it for tmr before my brain protests. hahas!
Went 'touring' around old woodlands checkpoint to source for costumes. Only managed to get a white cloth for the ghost outfit. Seen quite a few nice ones, bbut the price is not nice at all. hahas! nevermind about that, at least we had quite a fun time in SS. Doing all the stupid things...consider it for a good de-stress methodology!
Heys! IT's me! selecting a bottle of wine!

okay.. the two*ahem*

Missing my milking years! The bottles are so cute!

So satisfied with my two milk bottles!

Woah..nice back view...

I love HONEY!

Do you like Yakult kim? hahas...

nice shot taken by me! bleahs...

It's so light!

unglam pose~

Do I look like a COOL auntie? hahas!

Nice angle! =D

My fave Fruit! =O

That's all folks! ^.^
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Outing with my F1 mates!
I went out with my F1 buddies, kun yao and Terrence, yesterday night for dinner!
We meet up in Holland village and had Katong Laksa for dinner. Cox kun yao said that the laksa stall not bad.. so we just go try lo.. oh gosh, it is real katong laksa, to be eaten by a SPOON and the OTAH they sell is great! I like their otah otah... nice! ai yah.. i didnt take any pics of the laksa cox i supposed you people know how it looked like rites? hahas!
Then after that we went for a walk in the Pet's Lover Shop to look at dogs! OMG! they are freaking cute you know? If not for my mum, I may have one barking by my side already... =P Psst! Terrence is actually afraid of dogs! hahas... Then kun yao was like saying,' woah when you in army, you are a scout, so mach0, then when enemy let dogs out, you'll run...' I burst out laughter.
We continued to stroll along the streets of Holland Village until we were in front of this restaurant/cafe. We then went in to have our dessert and continue our chatting.
This is how the place looked like.. super comfortable! we went up to the second level. unfortunately i forgot its name! humph!

and the seats are abit of the jap style..

This is them acting 'hardworking'. o0ps!

another hardworking angle!

Ai yah.. Terrence is actually showing kunyao how he microbiology pictures look like.. how gross they are.. yucks!
Terrence's drink

Our apple crumble! it really crumbles when we use our fork trying to cut it! hahas!

my fragrant ROSE BUD TEa! The smell of the rose bud is so nice! refreshing and relaxing! They even accompanied it with a small jar of honey! swe3t! but i didnt put, only put abit inside to try before we leave.. =D

zoom view!

these are the rose buds.. can you see?

I certainly would want to go there again.. to study or chill.. anything! HV is so near my sch! =D
We meet up in Holland village and had Katong Laksa for dinner. Cox kun yao said that the laksa stall not bad.. so we just go try lo.. oh gosh, it is real katong laksa, to be eaten by a SPOON and the OTAH they sell is great! I like their otah otah... nice! ai yah.. i didnt take any pics of the laksa cox i supposed you people know how it looked like rites? hahas!
Then after that we went for a walk in the Pet's Lover Shop to look at dogs! OMG! they are freaking cute you know? If not for my mum, I may have one barking by my side already... =P Psst! Terrence is actually afraid of dogs! hahas... Then kun yao was like saying,' woah when you in army, you are a scout, so mach0, then when enemy let dogs out, you'll run...' I burst out laughter.
We continued to stroll along the streets of Holland Village until we were in front of this restaurant/cafe. We then went in to have our dessert and continue our chatting.
This is how the place looked like.. super comfortable! we went up to the second level. unfortunately i forgot its name! humph!

and the seats are abit of the jap style..

This is them acting 'hardworking'. o0ps!

another hardworking angle!

Ai yah.. Terrence is actually showing kunyao how he microbiology pictures look like.. how gross they are.. yucks!
Terrence's drink

Our apple crumble! it really crumbles when we use our fork trying to cut it! hahas!

my fragrant ROSE BUD TEa! The smell of the rose bud is so nice! refreshing and relaxing! They even accompanied it with a small jar of honey! swe3t! but i didnt put, only put abit inside to try before we leave.. =D

zoom view!

these are the rose buds.. can you see?

I certainly would want to go there again.. to study or chill.. anything! HV is so near my sch! =D
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Lotsa things to do!
hey people!
I have alot of tasks to complete!!! headache!
Finally completed compiling all the slides for my microbes module! Sent to them already and i shall wait for the meeting on wed!
Next! I am going to act as the '3rd wife', named 'Eling' in the play 'The Golden Child'. Funny name rite? ehs! Dont look down on this name... its a splendid play alright?!
Initially i wanted to be the costume designer for this play, but i was too slow, elspeth shall do it yea! =) psst! remember to let me wear till damn chio okay?! hahas!
Will tell you the story soon oh! dun worry..
Recently gotten a few tasks to do!
Designing namecards for NUSSU PRU.
Start memorising lines for play.
Start practising presentation lines for presentation on Friday.
Complete JS writings by the end of this week.
Chionging driving! Eliminate all my weakness!
Wish me good luck oh! There may be more, i may just forget some of them. If there are more, i'll update once again okay! hais.... =(
I have alot of tasks to complete!!! headache!
Finally completed compiling all the slides for my microbes module! Sent to them already and i shall wait for the meeting on wed!
Next! I am going to act as the '3rd wife', named 'Eling' in the play 'The Golden Child'. Funny name rite? ehs! Dont look down on this name... its a splendid play alright?!
Initially i wanted to be the costume designer for this play, but i was too slow, elspeth shall do it yea! =) psst! remember to let me wear till damn chio okay?! hahas!
Will tell you the story soon oh! dun worry..
Recently gotten a few tasks to do!
Designing namecards for NUSSU PRU.
Start memorising lines for play.
Start practising presentation lines for presentation on Friday.
Complete JS writings by the end of this week.
Chionging driving! Eliminate all my weakness!
Wish me good luck oh! There may be more, i may just forget some of them. If there are more, i'll update once again okay! hais.... =(
Monday, November 3, 2008
Some random pic with my uni frens!
heyheys! Some updates on my activities!
Sorry about the late update.. cox recently rather busy with assignments and projects.
After my birthday, there are actually a number of datelines for my assignment.. hahas..
Flor: i know i know, it's NOV already! and your birthday is coming! hahas.. excited rite?
Have been chiong my driving lessons recently... cox TEST day is coming! so nervous!
My frens told me to be calm and relax when in the car driving.. it is very important to be calm..
Shu yu! She passed her Driving test first time! so co0l la! hahas..
These pics are taken when we are cam whoring outside the central library...
Forgot why she bring her cam le..

This is her lame pose outside the central forum! hahas!

I will try damn hard! poof!
I have 3 pending projects on hand.. no assignments - fortunately
one of them is giving me a headache..
hmm.. lemmi go back to one to two weeks before!
Had my last Theatre Studies pract lesson..
I am going to miss my TS peeps so much! They rock you know! jus wonderful!
Then one of my TS classmate, Bright, he was wearing my fave color! So i took a pic with him..
* pardon my hair, abit chui here...

Last friday I met up with Terrence, a fren i made during the F1 assignment, for lunch in school.
It is jus so coincident that we are both from the same sch! and he is already year 3!
Thanks for waiting dude! Cox i was late from my driving lesson, my instructor released me late! humph!
Then also, that very day i went out with minghao jinlong kimmy and zhiping to watch movie after school. its been awhile since i last saw the guys... hahas!
too bad we didnt take any pics.. think we take until sian alr.. whaha..
okays.. think that shud be all...
Will update very soon! cox I am like having appointments everynight for this week!hehes! more pictures!! whoooo!
Sorry about the late update.. cox recently rather busy with assignments and projects.
After my birthday, there are actually a number of datelines for my assignment.. hahas..
Flor: i know i know, it's NOV already! and your birthday is coming! hahas.. excited rite?
Have been chiong my driving lessons recently... cox TEST day is coming! so nervous!
My frens told me to be calm and relax when in the car driving.. it is very important to be calm..
Shu yu! She passed her Driving test first time! so co0l la! hahas..
These pics are taken when we are cam whoring outside the central library...
Forgot why she bring her cam le..

This is her lame pose outside the central forum! hahas!

I will try damn hard! poof!
I have 3 pending projects on hand.. no assignments - fortunately
one of them is giving me a headache..
hmm.. lemmi go back to one to two weeks before!
Had my last Theatre Studies pract lesson..
I am going to miss my TS peeps so much! They rock you know! jus wonderful!
Then one of my TS classmate, Bright, he was wearing my fave color! So i took a pic with him..
* pardon my hair, abit chui here...

Last friday I met up with Terrence, a fren i made during the F1 assignment, for lunch in school.
It is jus so coincident that we are both from the same sch! and he is already year 3!
Thanks for waiting dude! Cox i was late from my driving lesson, my instructor released me late! humph!
Then also, that very day i went out with minghao jinlong kimmy and zhiping to watch movie after school. its been awhile since i last saw the guys... hahas!
too bad we didnt take any pics.. think we take until sian alr.. whaha..
okays.. think that shud be all...
Will update very soon! cox I am like having appointments everynight for this week!hehes! more pictures!! whoooo!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My birthday celebration with my sec sch mates
Wooh0o! Sorry for the delay.. hahas.. my fourth celebration is with my secondary school mates!! miss them soo soo much you know? we celebrated on the 17th Oct.
hahas! We had steamboat together in Bugis. Tian Tian Huo Guo.
Food's not splendid
Service's not splendid
Everything's not splendid!
Gone case!
Think I'll try Chong qing huo guo next time.. hahas..
Uh uh.. i know u guys like to see pictures.. and..
heh heh.. my sec sch guys fren all not bad looking right?

Thanks Zhiping for organising this outing for all of us!
Xing ku u and ur hp bill le! Thanks sweetie!

Some of my galfrens! Still pretty as ever!

The following will be my individual shots with my fren!
Thanks flor for being the photographer of the day!
Don worry, they are not in any particular order... hahas!

Am i cute here? yala.. i know i know..

okay dun play le.. smile properly...

I feel like i am taking pics for my wedding thanks to florence! hahas!
She is having her own small wedding photo taking too! hahas!
Act cute pros!

The jokers' Group

Hope that i didnt miss out anybody!
cox the pics are already catching spider webs in my folder.. im so so sorry!
Its a special and fun day for me! Really love it loads!
We chat till late night on that day... some of us went home as late as 3am in the morning..
Cox there are so0o0o.. many things to say and catch up!
Really miss you guys and babes... and
I am still missing u people!
meet up soon during dec okay?!
hahas! We had steamboat together in Bugis. Tian Tian Huo Guo.
Food's not splendid
Service's not splendid
Everything's not splendid!
Gone case!
Think I'll try Chong qing huo guo next time.. hahas..
Uh uh.. i know u guys like to see pictures.. and..
heh heh.. my sec sch guys fren all not bad looking right?

Thanks Zhiping for organising this outing for all of us!
Xing ku u and ur hp bill le! Thanks sweetie!

Some of my galfrens! Still pretty as ever!

The following will be my individual shots with my fren!
Thanks flor for being the photographer of the day!
Don worry, they are not in any particular order... hahas!

Am i cute here? yala.. i know i know..

okay dun play le.. smile properly...

I feel like i am taking pics for my wedding thanks to florence! hahas!
She is having her own small wedding photo taking too! hahas!
Act cute pros!

The jokers' Group

Hope that i didnt miss out anybody!
cox the pics are already catching spider webs in my folder.. im so so sorry!
Its a special and fun day for me! Really love it loads!
We chat till late night on that day... some of us went home as late as 3am in the morning..
Cox there are so0o0o.. many things to say and catch up!
Really miss you guys and babes... and
I am still missing u people!
meet up soon during dec okay?!
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